  Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Purifier Guardsman 23 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 9 3+
Purifier Lord 35 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+

Squad: The squad consists of one Purifier Lord and 4 Purifiers.

Weapons: All Purifiers are armed with Stormbolters and one close combat weapon. The entire squad may upgrade their close combat weapon to a power weapon for 15 points per model, or a power fist for 25 points. The Purifier Lord may also upgrade his close combat weapon to a lightning claw for 25 points, or a thunder hammer for 30 points. Two Purifiers in the squad may upgrade their storm bolters to a heavy bolter for 5 points each, missile launcher for 10 points each, or lascannon for 15 points each.

Options: The entire squad can have frag grenades at 1 point per model, or krak grenades at 2 points per model.

Terminator Honors: The entire squad may be given terminator honors for 10 points per model.

Transport Vehicle: The entire squad may be mounted in a Rhino for 50 points, or a Razorback for 70 points.

Preservation: The Purifier Lord may choose to equip himself the same as the rest of the squad, and instead take a Narthecium for 25 points. If the squad will begin the game mounted in a vehicle, he may take a Servo Arm for 30 points.

Grey Knights

Grey Knights will function exactly the same as those listed in Codex: Daemonhunters (awaiting release).

Note: Grey Knights will only be used in battles against Chaos forces.

  Points WS BS S Front Side Rear I A    
Dreadnought 75 4 4 6/10 12 12 10 4 2  

Knights of the Stormrider Dreadnoughts function exactly the same as those listed in Codex: Space Marines

Eldar Designators of the Grand Alliance
  Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Defender Guardian 8 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8 5+
Storm Guardian 8 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8 5+
Warlock 11 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 4+

Squad: The squad consists of 5 - 20 guardians of either Defender or Storm, not both. No more than ONE squad may be used in a Knights of the Stormrider army in a game.

Weapons: Defender Guardians wield a shuriken catapult and close combat weapon. Storm Guardians wield a shuriken pistol and close combat weapon.

Options: Defender Guardians can have pasma grenades at 1 point per model. Storm Guardians may be armed with plasma grenades or krak grenades at 2 points per model and haywire grenades at +3 points per model. Defender Guardians may include 1 eldar heavy weapon platform at 35 points for shuriken cannon, 40 points for scatter laser, 55 points for missile launcher and 50 points for bright lance or starcannon. Up to 2 Storm Guardians my exchange their weapons for either a fusion gun for 4 points, or a flamer for 3 points.

Character: The unit may be lead by a Warlock, who will function as described in Codex: Eldar

Transport Vehicle: No transport of any kind is available to these Eldar allies.

Note: These Eldar allies will only appear in battles against Chaos forces.

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